Thursday, June 26, 2008

HDMI Cables Takin a Bite Outa Ur Pocket?

HDMI Cables-Now we all know how important they are for the best HD, but why are they so freakin' expensive? And when I say expensive I mean a hundred bucks for a Monster cable! Just one cable! Well there is no simple answer to why they are so expensive, but the thing is, there isn't really a good reason at all. You see HDMI is a digital signal so it's really not about the cable, it's about your signal, so even if you have a cheap cable, it'll either work or it won't (unless you have a slough of radio/wireless interruption). Don't waist your precious money on Monster cables, check these out and go buy some Blu-ray movies with the left over cash!!

Cheap Cables + Free Shipping!!!
The Bundles for the BEST Value!

Don't Know Which Cables are Best for you?

Here are a tone to choose from!

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